“I have been allowing the Holy Spirit to do the work in me. I know who I am, and I look to Scripture to define what masculinity looks like.
I believe that the enemy begins working in your life from a young age. I grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ at the age of eight years old. However, as I began to grow in my relationship with Christ, so did my encounters with the enemy. I can recall having homosexual experiences as early as the age of eight years old, around the same time I accepted Christ as my Savior. In addition to growing up in an environment that spoke homosexuality into my life through ridicule and bullying, I began to experience confusion about who I was. I did not understand spiritual warfare or the tricks of the enemy. Slowly but surely, I allowed the enemy to creep in until I officially gave in to my lust and identified as a gay male at the age of 15. It was hard to reconcile my faith with my sexuality. Being gay was not something I hoped for, but it was something I had to deal with. To cope with my sexuality, I fully embraced it, believing that embracing it would bring me peace.
My life before I changed was great, so I thought. As much as I wanted to make my sexuality work, I knew deep inside that it was not the will of God for my life. I tried very hard to go to places and reach for things that would fill me up to live the best gay life I thought I could. But there was no peace.
Then I heard the call of God in church one Sunday. He told me to give Him my life. I knew that this meant I had to exchange my identity as a gay male for an identity in Christ.
I simply had the Holy Spirit and good teaching. I had no resources at the time—just the Holy Spirit and friends that supported my walk.
I am now married to a woman. I have been allowing the Holy Spirit to do the work in me. I know who I am, and I look to Scripture to define what masculinity looks like.
If you want freedom, know that God can provide it. God’s hand is not so short that He can’t reach down to save you. Nothing is too hard for God.
You can find out more about McClain Ministries here @ https://mcclain-ministries.com/