Here at CHANGED, we are saddened by Jeffrey McCall’s public announcement to return to the identity of Scarlett. At the same time, we refuse to believe that God is finished. Jeffrey is a friend and someone of great value to us and to God. There could be many reasons he has returned to the identity of Scarlett, and we continue to speak privately with him and pray for him as a team.
Please join us in praying for his safety, heart, and life in Christ.
“So-called conversion therapy is a pejorative phrase that is being used to promote state-sanctioned viewpoint discrimination,” Woning told The Epoch Times. “LGBTQ-identifying people deserve the right to follow their conscience, even when it means receiving support to diminish unwanted sexual feelings. Such bans dramatically oversimplify the lived experience of anyone who identifies as LGBTQ. They offer only one route for people to follow, no matter their faith or conscience. And so, anyone who doesn’t endorse Gay Pride for their own life is disallowed counseling that addresses trauma and emotional distress related to their sexual identity. In the end, counseling bans cause harm and simply limit everyone’s freedom.”
Many of us at CHANGED have experienced the pain and hurt portrayed in this film, so we are committed to protecting only safe pathways for those seeking to follow their faith wholeheartedly, including honoring an orthodox biblical sexual ethic.
Whether it’s a ban on counseling choice, the elimination of a free market for faith-based organizations, or granting privileges to transgender women above biological women, Sexual Orientation Gender Identity (SOGI) legislation politicizes sexuality and reduces freedoms.
Our official comment toward the findings of the UN Independent Expert—
“… the UN and other entities continue to suppress and deny our existence and wrongly accuse us of causing harm to our LGBTQ neighbors.”
Christian Post—
We must all see the vision of restoration of our personhood that Christ offers. The goal isn’t “straight” the goal is human, redeemed. Then we will be free from every life-dominating behavior that draws us away from Christ’s vision for human identity, whether in singleness or marriage. Only then can we become the family and the body of Christ that brings healing to the nations—together.
Charisma News—
Former members of the LGBTQ community are finding freedom, but what are churches doing to help disciple them?
Decision Magazine—
Williams and Woning approached state assembly members, sharing their personal testimonies, but were consistently met with doubt.
“Most were incredulous,” Woning says. “We heard assembly members say, ‘I don’t believe your testimony’ and ‘I don’t believe there are other people like you.’”
Williams and Woning set out to prove that there was indeed a large community of people who have experienced a change in their sexual orientation through an active, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
On October 30, 2019, men and women formerly identified as LGBTQ, ignored by politicians and the media, came to DC with a message: don’t discriminate against us. While presidential hopefuls discuss LGBTQ rights and counseling censorship laws, Christians who have left the LGBTQ life are told they don’t exist and denied supportive counseling.
Christian Post—
WASHINGTON — Men and women who once identified as LGBT shared their personal stories of transformation with lawmakers Wednesday after the House passed a bill earlier this year that would bar citizens from accessing counseling and therapies for unwanted same-sex attraction.
CAPITOL HILL – These days there's so much talk about gay and transgender rights, and passing laws to protect those rights, that a whole other minority is getting ignored: those who've left the gay and transgender lifestyles.
Elizabeth’s segment begins at 15:00
LifeSite News—
June 4, 2019 (Daily Signal) — June has been declared "Pride Month," and we're supposed to celebrate those "coming out" and living a "gay" life.
June 12 will mark the third anniversary of the Pulse gay nightclub mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, that left 49 dead. Some will no doubt connect those two things to claim America hates people who have same-sex attraction and to make new demands for affirmation of homosexuality.
This is the Live Stream by the California Family Council of our rally against AB2943 on June 12, 2018. This rally was the start of the CHANGED Movement.
LifeSite News—
CALIFORNIA, May 30, 2018 – “People are trying to silence the power of Jesus Christ” through a California bill banning help for those with unwanted same-sex attraction, a man who used to live the gay lifestyle and is now a Christian pastor said.