The pain and isolation of gender-confusion and same-sex attraction are immense. But there are many who have found redemption and wholeness through Christ! We want to make sure you have access to some of the best encouragement that’s out there, so we have partnered with seasoned Christian leaders who have personal experience of leaving LGBTQ behind to bring you a new video series called THRIVE! These amazing leaders share with you their stories, offer practical wisdom, and point you to more resources and encouragement. We hope you enjoy this wonderful series.

Living As A Disciple of Jesus
Elizabeth Woning - Changed Movement & Equipped To Love
Root Issues of Gender Confusion & SSA
Michael Davidson, Ph.D. - Core Issues Trust
Extra Resources From Michael
Voices of The Silenced - Experts, evidences and ideology: a documentary
Coming Soon "Listening to the Silenced",
X-Out-Loud - Emerging X-LGBT Voices
Core Issues Trust - Challenging Gender Confusion: Upholding Science and Conscience
IFTCC - International Federation For Therapeutic and Counseling Choice
Ministry & Therapy Approaches
Anne Paulk - Restored Hope Network
Extra Resources From Anne
Father Wounds
Tom Cole - Pure Heart Ministries
Finding Freedom From Codependency
Kris Olsen - Coming Out Again
Extra Resources from Kris Olsen
Owning Your Masculinity
Joe Dallas -
Extra Resources from Joe Dallas
Joe Dallas Website
Showing Love To A Transgender Loved One
Denise Shick - Help 4 Families & Living Stones Ministries
Extra Resources from denise shick
Your True Identity: How Freedom in Christ Brings Healing, Hope, and Wholeness
Dangerous Affirmations: My Transgender Experience
Understanding Gender Confusion: A Faith Based Perspective
Transgender Confusion: A Biblical Based Q& A For Families
When Hope Seems Lost: How to Deal With Transgenderism In the Christian Community
It Is Well With My Soul: Finding God's Peace in the Transgender Storm
Healing From Trauma & Attachment Issues
Drew Berryessa - A Living Letter
Extra Resources from Drew berryessa
Invite him to speak/equip/limited one on one consulting
Theology of Sexuality : New Book Coming Out Soon
A Research-based Study of Sexual Orientation Change
Linda Seiler, Ph. D. -
Extra Resources From Linda
The Power of the Cross & Listening Prayer
Andrew Comiskey & Marco Casanova - Desert Stream Living Waters
Extra Resources From Andrew & marco
Desert Stream Ministry - Full Website
Living Waters - 20 Week Course
Cross Current - 8 Week Course Books
Open to Life: How Jesus Transforms Persons with Same-Sex Attraction
Naked Surrender: Coming Home To Our True Sexuality
Mother Wounds
Donna Cole - Pure Heart Ministries
Cultivating Life-Giving Relationships
Tiffany Williams -
Journeying Out of A Transgender Life & Embracing Femininity
KathyGrace Duncan - Portland Fellowship
Extra Resources from KathyGrace duncan
Living as a New Creation
Ken Williams - CHANGED Movement & Equipped To Love
Extra Resources from Ken Williams

In her early 20s, Elizabeth Woning “came out” as a lesbian and embraced the LGBTQ community. She attended a Presbyterian (USA) seminary openly lesbian, but upon graduating, an encounter with Jesus dramatically shifted her perspective. Over time, her relationship with God led to transformation and healing. Today Elizabeth is free of same sex attraction and happily married to her husband, Doug. She teaches at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and is co-founder of Equipped to Love at Bethel Church, which focusses upon homosexuality. Her ministry highlights the power of intimate relationship with and knowledge of God to bring identity, wholeness and fulfillment. She emphasizes mentoring in one’s identity journey and is passionate to provide consulting to church leaders as they navigate the complexities of sexual and gender identity in our culture. Elizabeth holds a Master’s Degree in Theology and is a licensed pastor at Bethel Church.
Mike worked as an academic, staff and student developer at the universities of Rhodes, Nottingham, Surrey and Ulster. He founded the charity, Core Issues Trust in 2007. He produced and directed the feature documentary film, Voices of the Silenced (2018). He actively participates in UK media debate around sexual politics. He is a board member of the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity incorporating the NARTH Institute (Alliance). He was refused certification by the UKCP and BPA and continues to advocate for the rights and freedoms of those leaving homosexuality.
For decades, Linda felt like a man trapped in a female body and was exclusively attracted to women. Today, she is content in a female body and wholly attracted to men, offering a unique, compassionate perspective as one who has struggled with her own sexuality and gender identity. An ordained Assemblies of God minister, Linda earned a PhD in Intercultural Studies from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary with her dissertation consisting of thirty case studies of men and women who were once same-sex-attracted and have experienced transformation. Dr. Seiler’s forthcoming book highlights some of her personal story in addition to the latest research from her PhD dissertation. Linda is an avid golfer, dark chocolate lover, and cat mom to feline Facebook sensations Bo & Tabby.
For more info about Dr. Seiler as well as helpful resources on LGBT issues, visit
Anne Paulk, Executive Director and Board Member of Restored Hope Network, is an author, speaker, spokesperson and advocate for men and women struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions. Her mission in leading the organization is to, quite literally, restore hope to those broken by sexual and relational sin, especially those impacted by homosexuality.
“I do this work because of the work the Lord has done in me,” Paulk explains. “I know it’s possible to be set free from sexual confusion and sin because that is my story. It is the testimony of thousands just like me. We at Restored Hope want to make sure all who seek the same healing we’ve experienced through the love of Jesus can have it be their story, too.”
Honestly, I love doing Living Waters groups more than anything. Participating in healing the sexually and relationally broken renews me; after over 37 years, I want to do nothing else. I founded Desert Stream Ministries in 1980 while serving on staff at the Vineyard West Los Angeles; Annette and I were engaged to be married that year, which also marked the start of our first healing group in West Hollywood. That one group evolved into the in-depth Living Waters program. These groups now flourish on every continent. God likes them because they help people grow to love Him and each other with integrity.
Our family grew to six and we moved Desert Stream to the Vineyard Anaheim, the ‘mother’ church of that vital healing movement, and home of its founder John Wimber. We then moved from Southern California to Kansas City, Missouri in 2005 to serve alongside Mike Bickle at IHOP. Both the Vineyard and IHOP richly blessed and built us up, even as we imparted our healing offerings there. Recently, I confirmed my love for the Catholic Church by becoming a member. I now serve as an active lay minister at St. Thomas More’s Parish where I love to do Living Waters! I love the whole church, and am grateful that Living Waters helps prepare her to become a united and pure bride.
My delight in healing others grows out of an ongoing commitment to overcome homosexuality and to love my wife and kids as a substantially whole man. I am the author of Pursuing Sexual Wholeness (Creation House), Strength in Weakness (IVP), Naked Surrender: Coming Home to Our True Sexuality (IVP) and the recently revised Living Waters healing program. I want to keep helping Christians become who they are: good gifts to God and to one another.
I’m a Roman Catholic, baptized as a baby of a lovely family in Houston, TX. There, a desire to serve the Lord as a priest welled up in my heart. I eventually entered St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, PA. I was in priestly formation for eight and half years, and completed undergraduate and graduate studies in Philosophy and Theology. Coming to grips with my need for radical redemption in my broken sexuality, I surrendered my plan to become a priest, and resigned from the seminary. I immediately came on as an intern with Desert Stream Ministries.
Working now as the Assistant Director, I have been privileged to work alongside this healing army. It has convinced me of a deep need, both in the Catholic and Protestant worlds, to have bold witnesses, preaching a gospel capable of deep redemption. A gospel that gives no good news of transformation on the levels of broken sexuality is an impotent, anorexic and burdensome message. The cross of Jesus must not be emptied of its power!
I’m eager and hopeful. To lose trust is not characteristic of a disciple. This Jesus is alive and continues to set the captive free, including me.
Ken Williams began a pursuit of his true sexual identity in 1987 when his battle against homosexuality grew into intentions of suicide. After many unsuccessful years of searching, Ken had some encounters with God and experienced healing of childhood trauma, forged a deep intimacy with God, and began resonating with his masculine identity. Today, Ken helps others do the same, and he serves Moral Revolution full-time as an author, lecturer, and minister. Ken also holds a B. S. in Marketing/Finance, has been a pastor at Bethel Church (Redding, CA) since 2006, and is a co-founder of Equipped to Love (a ministry to those impacted by homosexuality). His greatest joys are his beautiful wife, their four incredible children, and seeing people find and manifest their true selves.
Tom Cole has over 35 years of experience bringing healing to the emotional wounded through teaching, ministry and week-long intensives. He is the co-author of Pure Heart - Restoration of the Heart through the Beatitudes and travels nationally and internationally bringing freedom to the brokenhearted. Tom, along with his wife, Donna, lead weekend healing retreats and train others in inner healing. Tom currently resides in the Greenville, South Carolina area. He is the father of four children and grandfather of five incredible grand babies!
Donna Cole along with her husband, Tom, co-leads Pure Heart Ministries and have over 30 years of experience in bringing healing to the emotionally wounded. Donna is the co-author of "Pure Heart - Restoration of the Heart through the Beatitudes". She travels nationally and internationally teaching, ministering, counseling and bringing freedom to the broken hearted. She has come out of homosexuality and loves to tell all God has done for her!! She has been married for over 30 years and has four grown children and four grandchildren.
In 1996, Drew surrendered his sexuality to the Lordship of Christ, leaving behind a homosexual relationship. Drew chose to trust Christ with his future, believing that the Word of God was trustworthy and that Christ would be faithful to give him a life worth living outside of a homosexual identity or relationship. This surrender began a process of transformation and healing confronting the issues of same-sex attraction and overall relational dysfunction in his life.
Drew began full-time ministry to the sexually and relationally broken in 2004, joining the staff of Portland Fellowship, a para-church discipleship ministry in Portland, OR. Drew spent ten years in ministry there, ending his time as the Assistant Director to found A Living Letter Ministries in 2015.
Drew’s life and testimony stand in stark contrast to the current cultural narrative about sexual identity, demonstrating instead what Christ can do for a sexually broken life submitted to His Lordship. With the current shifts in ideology regarding sexuality, identity, gender, and God’s transformative power, Drew's ministry, experience, and insight stand as a redemptive voice of truth to the body of Christ.
Drew is a graduate of Multnomah Bible College, holding a Bachelor's Degree in Ministry and Leadership. In addition to being the Founder and Director of A Living Letter Ministries, Drew serves as a Teaching and Counseling Pastor at Living Waters Church in Medford, OR. Drew released his first book, Are We There Yet? in 2018, adding author to his list of accomplishments.
Of all the roles and titles he carries, his most prized titles are that of husband and father. Drew and his wife Suzanne have been married since 2004 and together they have the joy of raising their three daughters.
Kris Olsen has been in ministry in various capacities for 24 years, primarily as a missionary, and in full time gender ministry for 12 years. Kris was the forerunner for the Calvary Chapel movement in establishing a biblical discipleship/restoring/mentoring ministry within the movement for those with homosexuality and transgender issues for which they were seeking resolution and transformation. She has ministered to and mentored hundreds of people through the Coming Out Again Discipleship Program, as well as being a sought after speaker for conferences and retreats on two specific topics: gender, and hearing the voice of God. With a lesbian feelings and behavior testimony of her own, Kris no longer has same sex attraction, and has been fully restored by the power that comes through intimate relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God, as well as the sustaining fellowship of the Body of Christ, and the sanctifying relationships found there. Coming Out Again is located in Orange County, CA and can be found at
Tiffany Williams is a certified Life and Relationships Coach, empowering individuals, couples, and teams to become the healthiest, most effective versions of themselves. Throughout her life, she's marveled at the uniqueness of each individual and their specific place in this world. She was a theatre teacher for 10 years, in which she found great fulfillment helping kids find their unique voice and discover more of who they are. Then, as an entrepreneur, she loved working with her large team, helping each one uncover their true identity and lean into their specific talents. Now, she puts all of these skills together as a Master Life and Relationships coach--helping others find their true identity in Jesus, thrive in their relationships, and passionately live out the God-given assignment on their life. She's married to author/minister Ken Williams (co-founder of the CHANGED Movement) and is most proud of the 4 very spunky kids who call her mom. They live in beautiful Northern California. Tiffany has an MA from Texas A&M University and is certified as a coach through YEC-U.
Joe Dallas is an author, conference speaker, and ordained pastoral counselor. He directs a Biblical counseling ministry for those dealing with sexual and relational problems, and with their families as well. He received his Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling from Vision University, San Diego, CA and is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. He is also the author of the daily blog Joe Dallas Online.
Working with people who want their lives conformed to God’s will is one of life’s greatest honors. Seeing that work bear fruit is one of life’s greatest joys.
Joe has authored six books on human sexuality from the Christian perspective, including Desires in Conflict (Harvest House 1991)The Game Plan (Thomas Nelson Publishing 2005) When Homosexuality Hits Home (Harvest House 2004) Five Steps to Breaking Free from Porn (Harvest House 2013) and his latest, Speaking of Homosexuality (Baker 2016)
He is a contributing writer for The Christian Research Journal, and his articles have appeared in Christianity Today,(cover story June 1993) The Journal of Christian Healing and The Southern California Christian Times. His work has also been featured in The Los Angeles Times, Moody Monthly, New Man Magazine and The Boston Globe. For over three years Joe taught and conducted the nationally recognized Every Man’s Battle 5-Day conference as the originating Program Director, and from 1991 to 1993, he served as the President of Exodus International. He was a regularly featured speaker with the Focus on the Family Love Won Out conference.
Dallas has represented the Christian viewpoint through a number of media appearances, including Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast, Family News in Focus, the ABC Evening News, The Joan Rivers Show, The Bible Answer Man, New Life Live, The 700 Club, Jay Sekalow Live and Concerned Women of America. He has addressed conferences, churches and universities across the country, including the Promise-Keepers Men’s Conference, Moody Bible Church of Chicago,The Christian Association for Professional Studies, Princeton Theological Seminary and the Experience Conference. He has also lectured and debated in Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Spain.
Joe and his wife Renee reside in Orange County, California, with their two sons.
KathyGrace was born female then lived as a man for 11 years of her life. She came out of that lifestyle 28 years ago and has reclaimed her true gender. Her story is one of freedom and redemption through her relationship with Jesus. She is currently the Women’s Ministry Leader at Portland Fellowship where she facilitates discussion group, co-leads a small group, mentors and teaches with the Taking Back Ground program. She is also Chairwoman of the Portland Fellowship Board of Directors. She is involved with the Changed Movement from Redding CA. In her spare time, you will find her riding her bicycle, gardening or hanging out with friends
Denise Shick is the founder and executive director of Help 4 Families Ministry and director of Living Stones Ministries. She is the author of four children’s books and several nonfiction books, including My Daddy’s Secret, Understanding Gender Confusion—A Faith-Based Perspective, and Transgender Confusion—A Biblical Q&A for Families. She is an ordained minister and has a BA in psychology. She has been interviewed on many faith-based radio and television programs. She is also a conference speaker and presents workshops on transgenderism and its impact on families. Denise has led church-based support groups for people with sexual addictions and has assisted groups in an alcohol and substance abuse clinic. She served seven years in a Christian pregnancy center in several roles and implemented an abstinence program, for which she was the director.

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Yes, THRIVE is a collaboration of leaders from around the world that have donated their time and encouragement to CHANGED Movement. We’ve been able to put the rest of this together through donations and are excited to offer it to you completely for free!
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Yes. We are building out a new online-member access area for our CHANGED Community. THRIVE is one of the first resources developed for our online community. Memberships are FREE and easy to sign up with. Simply go to here to create an account or go here to log in.