Children should not be pushed to identify as LGBTQ

Many one-size-fits-all policies focus on LGBTQ rights and protections; however, they don’t consider the complexity of the LGBTQ experience.

Could these policies cause harm to a child’s development?



How does childhood shape our sexual identity?

We asked people with the LGBTQ experience how childhood impacted their feelings and sense of identity to better understand how upbringing influences adoption of LGBTQ identity. We looked at recent statistics and studies alongside their stories to gain a more comprehensive understanding. We discovered that childhood perceptions and wounds, including those developed through adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), traumas, and unstable family relationships, played a disproportionately large role among those adopting an LGBTQ identity.

Many from CHANGED have experienced shifts in sexual feelings and gender identity as we have better understood the formative factors of our childhood. Our self-discovery journeys fuel our passion for protecting counseling choices for everyone.



How childhood shaped our sexual identity

This resource highlights excerpts of a few of our stories to emphasize how complex the LGBTQ identity truly is. Read our stories and learn more below.


Read Our Stories

Hover over any photo and click to read our full stories



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