The rally that began everything for CHANGED Movement: June 12, 2018 on the steps of the California Capitol. Since that time, the live stream of our testimonies has been viewed over 1.5 million times.
CHANGED Movement was born out of a response to California legislation that would have banned resources and services for those exploring their sexuality. Our unusual name was originally a provocation, made through a book of personal life stories we called “CHANGED.” To address California bill AB2943, after distributing copies of their new book of testimonials, CHANGED and California Family Council live streamed the opposition rally, which featured over two hours of stories of people who received support and encouragement in leaving LGBTQ. Co-founders Ken Williams and Elizabeth Woning testified in multiple House and Senate hearings that spring. Two months later, Rep. Evan Lowe, sponsor of the bill and then-president of the LGBTQ Caucus, withdrew the bill.
Responding to “Conversion Therapy” Legislation
Protect patient self-determination in talk therapy
CHANGED Movement opposes all bans against so-called “conversion therapy” because they prohibit LGBTQ-identifying people from receiving the care of licensed professional counselors when exploring one’s own sexual fluidity only when the client’s expressed goals are embracing one’s biological sex, exploring opposite sex behaviors, or decreasing certain same-sex sexual behaviors. Through controlled speech, these unconstitutional bans push thousands of people who question their sexuality (those within “Q” or “questioning”) toward a politicized sexual identity.
Across the world, definitions are vague, creating a chilling effect on free speech for thousands of us seeking support. So-called “conversion therapy” is a broad and ill-defined term referring to therapeutic practices that include forms of physical violence, force, manipulation, shame, or humiliation to coerce an individual to renounce LGBTQ identity or change sexual orientation or gender identity. We reject these unethical practices as ineffective and harmful. We advocate for accessible, patient-directed talk therapy among self-motivated individuals that affirms and empowers personal choice, desired sexual ethic, and individual life goals. Government should not restrict what topics can or cannot be talked about with one’s trusted counselor or therapist of choice.
We appeal to policymakers to protect patient self-determination in talk-based counseling and advocate for freedom to question one’s sexuality authentically without government intrusion.
Resources using Personal Accounts
CHANGED Movement has published hundreds of stories from its members relating their positive and hope-filled experiences as they have followed their conscience away from LGBTQ identity.
Right: “Self-Discovery: How Childhood Shaped our Sexual Identity” highlights excerpts from a few of our stories to emphasize how confusing the LGBTQ experience truly is and how childhood experiences shape sexuality. It uses testimony, LGBTQ statistics, and scientific studies to explain that children should not be pushed into LGBTQ identities.
Far right: “CHANGED Oncegay Stories” is our fourth edition of the original testimonial book that was used in the California Capitol. It features 40 brief stories of transformation.
How can therapy assist individuals questioning their sexuality?
Elizabeth Woning, Exec. Dir. of Advocacy and Government Affairs asks Michael Gasparro, LMFT, LPCC, why men with unwanted same-sex attraction pursue counseling and how it can help.
Supporting Studies and Articles
Sign the International Declaration on “Conversion Therapy” and Therapeutic Choice
Everyone has the right to reduce and change unfulfilling or undesired sexual feelings or behaviours, regardless of their motivations, goals or values. The right to align one’s feelings and behaviours to biological sex, in order to live according to the values and beliefs that bring them true happiness, is a human right. No one should take these freedoms and rights away from any individual. People should be free to make their own choices – politicians, activists, and mental health practitioners, should not dictate their actions.
CHANGED is a co-signatory on this international declaration, which explains in detail the harmful implications of these bans that restrict freedoms of conscience, self-determination, religion, and speech, as articulated through the United Nations' International Declaration of Human Rights Articles 18 and 19:
Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.