“My life is great today. I haven’t been with women in 12 years and haven’t desired to. I desire to get married to a man and have children. It took a few years of healing before my outward appearance changed, but it has been a wonderful process. I now love my femininity and wear it well.”
I remember, at seven years old, looking at a picture of a woman and feeling attracted to her. At seven, I could not explain what was happening and thought for years that I would grow "out of it." At 13, I realized my feelings towards women were getting stronger, and I longed to find out why. At 14, I started having a sexual relationship with a 22-year-old, and the relationship was on and off for five years. I became very promiscuous.
For 10 years, I sought to find answers, but internally I was conflicted. Since the sexuality and desires I acknowledged in my own life felt so natural, I couldn't explain them away. There I was, in a broken relationship, on drugs, and without a way to bring healing to my dysfunction. I was tired of being tired and of being in relationships that weren’t going anywhere.
I did not grow up in church but always had a nagging questioning about whether my lifestyle was right or wrong. By 24, after years of brokenness, rejection, and drugs, I heard about Jesus and decided to "get saved." I remember waking up afterwards and knew something supernatural had happened in my heart, but couldn't explain it. That was 11 years ago and I have been on a journey ever since to heal and help others.
Life was hard. I was in a broken relationship, on drugs, and without a way to heal my dysfunction. I was tired of being tired and in relationships that weren’t going anywhere. Therefore, about 12 years ago, I started praying and fasting a lot. Since there were not many resources to help, I also began studying psychology. This avenue was God’s seminary for me, helping me recognize and heal many areas.
My life is great today. I haven't been with women in 12 years and haven't desired to. I desire to get married to a man and have children. It took a few years of healing before my outward appearance changed, but it has been a wonderful process. I now love my femininity and wear it well.
Please check out her website @ and learn more about what she is doing.