My life was pure hell. Though I knew that I was supposed to die to my flesh, I never could reconcile my faith with that of the gay lifestyle. In every relationship I had, God was a problem.

My life was pure hell. Though I knew that I was supposed to die to my flesh, I never could reconcile my faith with that of the gay lifestyle. In every relationship I had, God was a problem. Even when I went to a gay church, the justification of a gay lifestyle was so extra-biblical that I couldn’t reconcile it.

Then I found help by reading a book called Growth into Manhood that changed a lot for me, as well as by seeking the face of God. My utmost desire, from a very early age, was to serve Him.

Now I am married and have a three-year-old daughter who I wouldn’t trade for anything. My wife and I have always been open. I don’t have to hide or feel ashamed of what Jesus took me out of. I have a big support system. My masculinity is assured in God as I lead my family.

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