Eventually, I found myself wanting to change. I was in a relationship with a woman and made a vow to God that, if the relationship didn’t work out, I would leave lesbianism. I was unfulfilled and I knew that only God could fill that void.

Although I was born and raised in church, my childhood was full of trauma - everything a child is never supposed to experience. Years of physical and sexual abuse and domestic violence at home led to frequent suicide ideation. I knew that my family loved me but I was always seeking acceptance and, at age 14, I started questioning my sexuality. I knew I was violating my conscience and what the Bible teaches about homosexuality, but my quest for acceptance made it easy for me to succumb to the temptation to enter a lesbian lifestyle.

Eventually, I found myself wanting to change. I was in a relationship with a woman and made a vow to God that, if the relationship didn’t work out, I would leave lesbianism. I was unfulfilled and I knew that only God could fill that void.

I began a process of repentance and seeking God, “working out my salvation with fear and trembling”, as Paul writes in Philippians. With God’s help, I exercised self-discipline in the area of same-sex attraction and started reading the Bible, praying, and having healthy relationships with women. I got connected with Christians who didn’t hit me over the head with the Bible or judge me. God brought people into my life to walk alongside me on this journey - I didn’t have to look for them.

I know true freedom now! I’m a fourth-generation pastor, an author and speaker. I’ve written a book about my process and am committed to educating the Church and community on how to be supportive and loving to those in the LGBTQ+ lifestyle.

Check out her ministry Paulean Ministries @

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