In 2018 I became a follower of Jesus Christ. I let Him exchange all of my brokenness, pain, and hatred for His peace in return.

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I recognized He was fighting for my life even when I was not, and that caused me to want to know Him. I started reading the Bible in my room and singing to Him as a way of expressing my love and hunger. Along the way, I began experiencing Him as a loving father and His love has never stopped.

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I have been allowing the Holy Spirit to do the work in me. I know who I am, and I look to Scripture to define what masculinity looks like.

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I relate to God and people as a true man, with strength and boldness. God, in fact, has taken this quiet, gay boy and made him as bold as a lion!

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Guest User

One night I heard him whisper that my husband was waiting, and for the first time in my life, I felt a desire for marriage to a man. I prayed the most honest prayer I had ever prayed that night, and God answered. Change was possible!

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Guest User

My favorite part about being a redeemed man is that I don't have to fit into the stereotypical boxed-in version of American masculinity.

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Today I absolutely love being a feminine woman. The Lord healed me so gently yet radically!! Even when I was ashamed of how weird I looked and the fact that I had a 5 o'clock shadow and no breasts, I told everyone I could about what Jesus had done

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OklahomaGuest User

Today, I feel like a new man. The manhood I saw demonstrated by Jesus was a version that I could connect with and in submitting my life to Him, I have adopted His manhood.

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MarylandGuest User

In front of a holy God, I knew I had to make a choice about everything I’d actually come to identify myself as. It wasn’t just something I did anymore--this was me. How was I going to bring it into the light?

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United KingdomGuest User

I cried out, asking for forgiveness and a silencing of tormenting dreams. This is the moment things started to drastically change. I awoke to the reality that I’m female, always have been and always will be, a woman designed to love a man.

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Eventually, I found myself wanting to change. I was in a relationship with a woman and made a vow to God that, if the relationship didn’t work out, I would leave lesbianism. I was unfulfilled and I knew that only God could fill that void.

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